What can you do to help maintain healthy teeth?
Maintaining healthy teeth is relatively easy to do - with a few simple changes, you can make a big difference to your dental health.
Timing of sweet foods - Limit how often you have sweet foods and consume them during meal times rather than between meals.
Limit sweet drinks - Limit sweet drinks, including fruit juices (even if diluted, fruit juice contains natural sugars which can lead to tooth decay).
Choose healthy snacks - Choose healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, natural yoghurt, plain popcorn, soups or cheese.
Eat fresh fruit - Choose fresh fruit over dried fruit and dried fruit straps, as dried fruit will leave a sticky residue on your teeth and can contribute to tooth decay.
Limit sugar in your cuppa - Cut down the sugar added to cups of tea and coffee.
Choose better drinks - Drink fluoridated tap water and plain milk instead of soft drinks, juice or cordial.