Scott Minson holding x-ray of teeth
Common Procedures

Porcelain veneers are an ideal solution for chipped, uneven, or discoloured teeth. The teeth are prepared by removing a small amount of the front surface of the tooth (about 0.3 to 0.5 mm — the thickness of a fingernail) to allow space for the porcelain. A thin sliver of porcelain is then permanently cemented to the front teeth. Two or three visits to your clinician may  be necessary. An appointment typically takes from one to two hours.


Good dental hygiene will extend the life of your veneers, however they do require extra care to ensure they are not damaged by hard foods. In some cases, they may require protection from excessive grinding.

Teeth whitening  is the process of removing stains and discolouration from teeth and improving their colour through a bleaching process to make them look "whiter"!


We use ZOOM!

Advance Power Teeth procedure for teeth whitening.
We also provide Take Home Tooth Whitening Kits.


What is ZOOM!?

ZOOM! In-office tooth whitening is a procedure designed to lighten the colour of the teeth using a combination of a hydrogen peroxide gel and a specially designed ultraviolet lamp. As hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin bleaching coloured substances while the structure of the tooth is unchanged.  Darkly stained yellow or yellow-brown teeth frequently achieve better results than grey or bluish-grey teeth.


What does the procedure involve?

During the procedure which takes 60-90 minutes (1 visit), the whitening gel is applied to the teeth and the teeth are exposed to the light from the Zoom! Lamp for three (3), 15 minute applications.

During the entire treatment, a plastic retractor is placed in the mouth to keep it open and protect the soft tissues of the mouth to ensure they are not exposed to either the gel or light. Lip balm  is also applied as needed and protective eyewear is supplied. Prior to ZOOM! Treatment, all cavities and leaking fillings may need to be filled or restored.


Custom-made take home trays are supplied to patients and we recommend  wearing the guards with the take home kit supplied for an hour in the morning and evening for three days.These may be used to improve the initial results and intermittent use will maintain the desired tooth shade.


Post-Procedure Care

For the first few days after ZOOM! Treatment the tooth enamel acts like a sponge. To ensure that your whitening results last as long as possible it is essential to avoid food and beverages with the potential to re-stain the teeth. These include but are not limited to; beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine and coke as well as foods such as berries, curries and beetroot. Smoking will also stain tooth surfaces.

A dental implant is an artificial  replacement for the root portion of your natural tooth and is anchored into a pre-drilled socket in your jaw-bone to support a crown, bridge or secure a denture firmly in place. Implants are made from titanium, a material that is well tolerated by bone and integrates easily with bone tissue. During the placement of a dental implant the goal is to achieve a close contact between the outer surface of the implant and the surrounding bone tissue so they can "fuse" together (Osseo integration) creating a stable support for the new teeth.

Dental Implants have very high success rates, up to 97%. We have both undertaken further training and accreditation in treatment with dental implants in Perth, and would be very happy to discuss and illustrate the great results we have already achieved and those that may be possible for you.

A crown is often the best choice to save a tooth and strengthen it. It can also achieve a dramatic improvement in your smile. A crown fits over the existing natural tooth and replaces  the part of the tooth seen above the gums.


Porcelain crowns are excellent for covering a dental implant, covering a misshapen or discoloured tooth, repairing a broken or fractured tooth or replacing a cracked or leaking filling.

At our practice we do not use metal to restore teeth and can replace old expanding fillings in teeth with a tooth coloured porcelain or composite.


We use composite resin and glass ionomer as our filling material (white fillings) which is much more aesthetically pleasing than amalgam and contains no mercury. Our filling material comes in many tooth shades therefore can be matched very accurately to your natural tooth.

Porcelain Veneers






Porcelain Crowns


White Fillings


Seth Eggleston and Associates Dental Care

Call us (08) 9386 5398


Opening Hours

Mon & Tue: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Wed: 7.30am - 4.30pm
Thu: 7.30am - 5.30pm
Fri: 8.30am - 3.00pm

Our Location

31 Stirling Hwy Nedlands WA 6009

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